In light of COVID-19 many of us have been advised to work/study from home. For some, working from home is a dream come true, but for others it can be quite the opposite. Staying productive while you know there is a sink full of dishes or laundry to sort out can be quite hard.
Below are a list of tips that can help with productivity and making the most of this time at home.
1. Take advantage of not commuting
Use this time to do something for you. This will help get your head in the right space to work. Read. Exercise.Meditate.Learn something new. Create something!
2. Make your bed
That way you won't be tempted to lounge around all day. Stay away from the sofa too where possible!
3. Say no to PJs
Look good. Feel good. Do good. Making the effort to get dressed in the morning goes a long way with feeling more positive and productive.
4. Create a designated workplace
This helps you separate work from home, Minimise clutter in your workspace as this helps you to focus more and be productive.
5. Establish a routine and stick to it
Wake up at your usual weekday time, plan your day and stick to it. Remember to schedule breaks and give yourself adequate time away from your screen.
6. Leave the laundry and dirty dishes
If you were in the office you wouldn't be doing any house work. Keep those boundaries during working hours.
7. Stay social
Self isolating doesn't mean you have to be anti-social. Continue checking in with colleagues and giving updates as you would in the office. Check on your friends and family too during your breaks.
8. Log off
It's very easy to get carried away with work knowing you're already at home. It is still very important to maintain a work-life balance.