Upcoming events
Due to the recent developments of COVID-19, all planned events have been postponed to a later date, which will be confirmed in due course.
In such challenging times, we wanted to let you know what we're doing at CC24 to keep you connected to other professionals, when it matters most. For some, working from home is a dream come true but the truth is, for some, it can be quite the opposite.
Instead of professionals hosting our instagram story, we have launched free CC24 Virtual Coffee Breaks. These are designed to make it easier for you to keep in touch with other like minded professionals without worrying about costs - especially if you are self-isolating or reducing social contact. We are collaborating with a number of organisations to bring you varied content, for personal and professional development, during these uncertain times.
Take a break and connect with us! See all the upcoming virtual coffee sessions here
Postponed, date to be confirmed
Past events

Young Professionals Drinks and Conversations
5 March 2020 | London
At this event we had speakers diving into the following topics: "When to jump ship," and "How to assert yourself as a professional."
This was followed by a panel discussion to address some of the challenges BAME professionals face in the workplace, with the theme 'Glass-ceiling - another excuse?'
Our special guests, Raymond Nhliziyo, Nashe Chinhoyi, Ruvimbo Huda, Donald Madega, Anele Dube and TMR Career Advisors